Friends of Limehouse
About us
Friends of Limehouse is an East London non-profit organization focused on improving the local environment starting with air quality. We want to transform local air quality by uniting residents, communities, businesses, and authorities to support London's ambition as a Green City.
Air pollution in Limehouse is one of the worst in London and is higher by 30% than in the rest of Tower Hamlets. It is over twice the legal limit due to the fumes from the Rotherhithe and Limehouse Link Tunnels and the lack of green space. Limehouse still looks like when it was a working dock, with very little green space. Using a strategic, evidence-based approach, we work on multiple levels to improve air quality. We run environmental media and local events, educating the residents about air pollution and providing a safe, inclusive space for discussing complex issues we face with climate change. We work with authorities to reduce the number of cars, manage traffic using modern AI systems, provide safe walking and cycling options, and build Green Infrastructure absorbing pollution.
As part of the Neighbourhood Forum, there were four personal consultations and a media one with several hundred residents of Limehouse. Most participants emphasized the lack of open spaces — in other words, Green Infrastructure. UCL were invited to find evidence for these results. UCL's research states that Limehouse is the most polluted area of Tower Hamlets, with three times the population density of London and not enough green space, which is a Local Plan stated deficiency. These results were taken to ARUP, the world's leading architectural bureau specializing in air pollution. ARUP proposed creating a Green Infrastructure Master Plan for Limehouse. Master Plan would provide a vision for sustainable development of the area reducing air pollution, uniting and empowering local communities and mitigating climate change. It will cost £50,000, plus its implementation and regular maintenance. The borough of Tower Hamlets has this budget from developers' contributions to the area. However, the budget is on hold. We have corresponded with the GLA and TfL to address vehicle emissions and request a highway assessment of the local road network. Adjustments to specific junction layouts and signal phasing timings could result in improved traffic flows and significant reductions in air pollution. GLA, SusTrans, and CIHT support our vision for improving air quality in Limehouse.
“We admire the ethos of Breathe London, your evidence-based approach, and your effort to empower communities using modern creative tools. We’ve met a bunch of lovely passionate visioners via Circle and enjoy being part of this broader group. ”