Surrey Docks Farm
About us
Surrey Docks Farm is a working community farm in South London.
Greeenagers Youth group - 14-18year old. We meet weekly Friday - Sundays. The young people are based in Southwark from diverse backgrounds; culturally and class, with varying educational needs. We have unschooled, comprehensive, SEN and private school educated young people in the groups.
It intends to model community and establishes long relationships with the young people and their families, and sits in a wider Southwark community. It's both an educational and social group, led by youth workers and volunteers. The group work on most aspects of farm life and land based skills - managing their allotment, animal care, food cultivation and cooking, herb drying, youth enterprise, bush craft skills, rural crafts and art projects, some building and maintenance. Alongside this is a focus on sustainability and environmental education and action. The group was set up and designed by the farms youth committee and regularly consults the groups to inform the direction of projects.
“The group are excited to be part of the project to deepen their understanding about pollution and the quality of our environment and learn what impact the green space we help care for makes on the data!”