Brunswick Tenants and Residents Association

About us

The Brunswick Centre has high density residential provision, laid as though two tower blocks have been laid down on their side. This makes us closer to road traffic than those in traditional vertical blocks. Our flats surround a shopping street, packed with commercial buildings and especially commercial catering. The majority of the residents in our 396 flats are families living in council housing. We’ve got 110 sheltered flats. Many of the council tenants and some of the leaseholders are elderly or disabled, but not sheltered.

The United Nations declared clean air as a human right on 2 August 2022. But we know air pollution is responsible for 7% of all deaths in Camden. We want to use data from the Breathe London Node to help our community. We think the data can act as a starter for improvements in air quality for those using and working in the shopping centre, as well as for those of us who live here. We’re especially interested to try to understand whether and how much the leafy green in Brunswick Square Gardens and Russell Square outweighs our local pollution. And also to use Breathe London data as a catalyst for our other environmental initiatives.
— Caroline - Brunswick Tenants and Residents Association


Central Park, Newham


Clean Air for Southall and Hayes (CASH)